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Confidence and Self-Esteem

Confidence and Self-Esteem

Confidence and self-esteem is to trust in ones abilities, qualities and judgement and to hold unconditional self-love for oneself regardless of life’s circumstances. A child’s confidence and self-esteem can have an impact on all areas of their life. These aspects may include: their ability to cope with life’s challenges, the quality of their social skills and relationships, school and sporting performance and overall drive to succeed and pursue goals in life.

As children progress through life they may face challenging experiences which may effect their confidence and self-esteem. Since challenging times in life are unavoidable it is important for children to learn the skills needed to cultivate self-worth despite these experiences.

What will your child learn?

Our services and resources support children to embrace their individuality, develop a positive self-image and to identify their strengths and skills to thrive in life. 

Your child will learn how to:

  • develop their self-esteem  
  • practice gratitude
  • use growth mindset strategies
  • develop social skills and manage peer conflict 
  • develop a positive self-image